Health and Beauty

Natural Acne Treatments - Part 3

by Amber Cass

In the last installment of our three part series on natural acne treatments we discuss acne fighting foods (read part 1 and part 2 of the series). Some of these food you eat and some of them you use right on your skin to help fight acne.

Acne fighting foods to use on the skin

Although there are plenty foods you can eat to help in your fight against acne, we wanted to start first with some of the foods and other nutritionals that you can use on the skin.

  • Cucumber
    Cool cucumbers can help with the oily skin that can lead to acne. Twice a week, make a cucumber paste in the blender and then let it chill in the refrigerator. Apply the paste to clean skin, keep it on for at least 15 minutes and then wash with cold water.
  • Honey
    One or twice a week, apply a honey mask. Not only is it gentle to sensitive skin, it also has antibacterial properties, which makes it perfect for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes.
  • Neem Leaves
    The neem tree, popular in India, contains antibacterial properties that make it a great treatment for acne and other skin conditions. Make a paste by crushing the neem leaves. Apply the paste to the areas of breakout and leave on for an hour or so. It will help to dry up the blemishes quicker.

Acne fighting foods to use in the body

  • Beta-carotene (Vitamin A)
    A deficiency of this important vitamin can actually cause acne. It is necessary to repair, strengthen and maintain the skin's protective tissue and mucous membranes. The best natural sources of Beta-carotene are carrots and sweet potatoes. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant.
  • Chromium
    You may have heard of chromium as part of a weight loss diet, but you may not know that it is also excellent for healing skin infections. Once a day chromium supplements will help heal your pimples quickly and can also help to prevent breakouts.
  • Multi-vitamin
    Your skin is your largest organ, and like the rest of your body, needs good nutrition to be healthy. Acne affects the outside of the body, but it can signal a problem on the inside. In response to poor nutrition, your body can produce excessive sebum, which can clog pores and keep your skin from fighting bacteria and healing. A multi-vitamin every day can help to ensure that you are getting the nutrition that you may be missing in your diet.
  • Water
    Drinking enough water helps to eliminate waste and toxins from the body, helping to maintain clean skin and overall health. Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses each day.
  • Zinc
    Like Vitamin A, a zinc deficiency can cause breakouts. Zinc is an antibacterial agent and is also important for the skin's oil-producing glands.
  • Well balanced diet
    Although you hear it all the time, remember that a well-balanced diet is the best thing you can do for your overall health, including the health of your skin. Eat plenty of fruits and green, leafy vegetables every day and avoid chocolate and fried foods whenever possible.

Acne can seem like a never-ending problem that has no solution. In the most severe cases, it can lead to depression, low self esteem and lack of socialization. But there is something that you can do about it. For the next month or so to take the suggestions from this article and make them habits for you. You will find that the results will make your skin look better and improve your overall health and well being. Soon you will have a face that looks better because of the smooth skin and the big smile!

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