Health and Beauty

Natural Acne Treatment - Part 2

Non-Food Acne Fighters
by Amber Cass

In part 1 of this article, we discussed some of the causes and resulting problems of acne. But as promised, we also have some relatively easy steps that you can take to avoid or control your acne.

Wash with a mild, acne soap - Wash your face twice a day, once in the morning, and once at bedtime, with a sulfur-based soap designed for acne. Be very gentle with your skin - don't scrub or used a rough cloth when washing. Also, don't assume that if twice a day is good, that four times a day is better. Washing too often can stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, which will in turn cause more acne. If possible, have a dermatologist professionally clean your face monthly.

Do not pick or squeeze! - You've probably heard it a thousand times, and it's so hard to avoid, but no matter how tempting it may be, do not squeeze, pinch, poke, scratch, rub or even touch your pimples and blackheads. When you do, you are actually increasing sebum production, and affecting the membranes under the skin, which can cause infection and the spread of sebum under the skin; all of which can cause more pimples.

Use a new pillowcase - Wash or replace your pillowcase every night. Because your face is against it for 6-10 hours a day, it becomes a harbinger for the dirt and oil from your skin. When you go to bed the next night, you are then laying your face down into more dirt and oil and causing breakouts. It is also best for your face if you sleep on your back, thus keeping your face off of the pillow altogether.

Hands off - try to keep your hands, particularly unwashed hands, off of your face as much as possible. If you do need to scratch an itch or touch your face for some other reason, try to use the cleaner, backside of your hand. The one exception, of course, is when you wash your face. This is the time to really touch your face. Massaging your face as you wash not only helps in cleansing, it also helps to firm up the skin, which helps to slow the signs of aging.

Hairdo don'ts - Just like dirty hands and pillowcases introduce more dirt and oil to your face, so does your hair. It is best to adopt a style that keeps your hair away from your face, but if personal style does not allow this, at least pull your hair off your face during the times that don't matter, such as when you are sleeping or are just simply in for the night. Make sure to wash your hair every day and after you sweat, especially if you use hair products. An alternative to pulling your hair up at night is to use a nightcap to cover the hair - just make sure it goes into the wash daily along with the pillowcase.

Male specific - Electric clippers are best when shaving, but if you mush use a razor, remember to shave in the same direction as the hair grows, which is mostly downward, and then massage your skin (with clean hands, of course) after the shave.

Female specific - Avoid makeup if at all possible. If you feel that you simply must wear it, choose a water-based formula, and take it off as soon as you can. Leaving makeup on your skin clogs your pores and causes more acne.

Healthy Body - Make sure to perform some type of exercise every day. It helps to detoxify the body and helps to keep you stronger, more fit and generally healthy. Yoga is a great option, as there are several poses, such as the Sun Salutations, the Peacock Pose and the Shoulder-Stand that are said to help alleviate skin disorders. Frequent steam room stints help to eliminate toxins from the skin through sweating.

Cold Water - Splashing very cold water on your face 3-4 times a day will not only tighten the pores, it can be quite invigorating!

In part 3, you will learn about several nutritional treatments. There are foods that you can use internally or externally to help treat and prevent acne.

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