Varicose Veins
veins are characterized by enlarged, swollen, elongated,
and/or twisted and bent veins.
the initial stages of varicose veins, the affected veins
become more tense and stiff. This is discernible by
touch, but cannot be seen. As the condition progresses,
the veins become more enlarged and twisted, appearing
as bluish, blackish elevations above the rest of the
surrounding skin. Other symptoms, which are not directly
related to the size or degree of the varicose veins,
can include aches in the surrounding area, leg fatigue,
itching, burning, or heat that seems relieved by elevating
the legs or wearing stockings that compress the legs.
The most common sites of varicose veins are the back
of lower leg, the calves, and along the inside of the
lower and upper legs.
addition to varicose veins that occur on the legs, other
types of varicose veins include varicocele (varicose
veins in the scrotum), hemorrhoids (varicose
veins in the anus), and esophageal varices (varicose
veins in the esophagus).
primary causes of varicose veins are nutritional deficiencies,
sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, regular standing
for extended periods at a time, pregnancy, and hormonal
changes at pregnancy or menopause.
Add cypress as bath oil to baths. Lavender,
juniper, rosemary, and lemon essential oils can be massaged
around the affected areas (do not massage the veins
Eat an organic, whole foods diet that emphasizes
lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains,
as well as plenty of pure, filtered water. The following
foods can be especially helpful fresh organic berries
and cherries, organic citrus fruits, buckwheat, millet,
garlic, and onions. Also eat plenty of fish and minimize
your red meat intake. In addition, avoid unhealthy fats,
refined carbohydrates, sugar, salt, alcohol, fried foods,
processed and refined foods, and milk and dairy products.
Combine equal parts of the tinctures of hawthorn,
ginkgo, prickly ash, and yarrow and take one teaspoon
of this mixture three times a day. Topically, you can
also apply a lotion made of ten parts distilled witch
hazel and one part tincture of horse chestnut to help
ease any discomfort. Cayenne pepper and ginger root
are also recommended.
Useful homeopathic remedies include Calc
fluor., Hamamelis, Pulsatilla, Calc carb., and
Carbo veg.
Cold compresses applied to the affected veins
can soothe painful symptoms.
Excellent juicing remedies include the following
combinations: carrot, celery, and parsley; carrot, spinach,
and turnip; carrot, beet, and cucumber; carrot, celery,
and spinach; and watercress.
support stockings and exercise regularly. Walking barefoot
as much as possible is also excellent.
Recommended nutrients include vitamin C with bioflavonoids,
vitamin B complex, vitamin, B6, vitamin D3, vitamin
E, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, lecithin, essential
fatty acids, proteolytic enzymes (taken away from meals),
and rutin.
TB is contagious and requires immediate medical
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