Stomach Acid

Excess Stomach Acid

by our Health Coach

"I have colitis and IBS. It was brought on by stress during my divorce, during which time I had lost 40 pounds. Now I've gained it all back. I also have high stomach acid and I can't drink OJ or anything acidy. What can I do to help keep the acidity level down?"

our Health Coach Answer:
Your weight is probably contributing to the excess stomach acid. For immediate relief start OTC Prilosec and then gradually wean away from the trigger foods, at that point you can stop taking the Prilosec. Avoid citrus, chocolate, coffee and nicotine in the meanwhile. Start an exercise program to help with the stress in your life and curb your appetite.

I also suggest you start eating meals consisting of predominantly alkalizing foods, which will help neutralize your acidity over time. Ideally, you should try to ensure that at least 60 percent of the foods you eat at each meal are alkalizing, and for more immediate results try boosting that ration to 80 percent. Good sources of alkalizing foods are fresh, green leafy vegetables. To learn more about the importance of acid-alkaline balance to your health, I recommend that you read the articles on this subject (pH balance) that you can find listed below. Good luck!

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