Health Conditions from A to Z



Inflammation of the throat, sometimes accompanied by dryness or rawness, painful swallowing, constant urges to clear the throat, postnasal drip, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, fever, hoarseness, and/or laryngitis.

What To Consider

Sore throats are usually caused by viral infections, but can also be due to bacterial infections, tonsillitis, overuse of the voice, exposure to irritating substances such as cigarette smoke, allergic reactions, infections of the mouth, and/or colds and flu.


Sore throats are rarely serious. However, if your sore throat does not heal within two weeks, and/or occurs with a rash, seek immediate medical attention. If any sore throat occurs with a rash, see a Health Coach. A sore throat caused by a Streptococcal infection (strep throat) must be identified and treated, or else it could create rheumatic fever or acute glomerulonephritis (disease of the glomerulus, a network of blood capillaries of the kidney).

Self-Care Tips

Increase your intake pure filtered water, hot herbal teas, diluted fruit juices, and broths. Eat an organic whole foods diet that emphasizes fresh vegetables and vegetable soups. Avoid all sugars, alcohol, milk and dairy products and any and all foods to which you are allergic or sensitive. Raw organic honey placed at the back of the throat can also help soothe symptoms and speed healing.

Nutritional Supplementation
The following nutrients can be helpful vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, and zinc (in the form of lozenges taken every 1-2 hours unless nausea occurs, in which case decrease dosage).

Inhalations with benzoin, lavender, thyme, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, clary sage, or sandalwood can help relieve symptoms.

Flower Essences
Crab Apple.

If your sore throat is due to an infection, chew a small piece of osha root (Ligusticum porteri) and/or gargle with an infusion of sage or licorice. For a sore throat due to smoke or pollution irritation, gargle with an infusion of lavender or hyssop. Other useful herbs include echinacea, garlic, ginger, goldenseal, and slippery elm.

Useful homeopathic remedies include Ferrum phos., Lachesis, Ignatia, Arnica, Aconite, Hydrastis, Gelsemium, Merc sol., and Phytolacca.

Apply hot water compresses to your neck and throat as needed to relieve painful symptoms.

Juice Therapy
Drinking the juice of one or two red potatoes can soothe symptoms.


If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional.

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