Health Tips

Health Tips - Issue 3

  1. Are you prone to cold sores on your lips? If so, try these tips to help prevent cold sores from recurring: Cover your lips with a high SPF lip balm to protect against sunlight exposure, as prolonged sunlight can trigger cold sores. Avoid foods high in the amono acid arginine, since arginine can aggravate the virus (herpes simplex, or HSV-1) that causes cold sores. Two of the most common arginine-rich foods are cholcate and nuts. Try taking 500 to 1000 mg of lysine (another amino acid) once a day to prevent breakouts.

  2. To boost your mental clarity, try adding rosemary plants to your home and workplace. That's because research shows that the aromatic scent given off by rosemary can help enhance mental alertness and also improve long-term memory.

  3. If you enjoy making, here's a healthy alternative to using sugar. Substitute molasses, instead. Unlike sugar, which suppresses immune function, molasses is very healthy for you and is rich in a variety of nutrients, including vitamin B6, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and selenium. For every half a cup of sugar that your recipes call for, use 2 tablespoons of molasses instead.

  4. We all know that antioxidants are good for us because of how they protect against free radicals, which are known to accelerate aging and contribute to a host of degenerative diseases, including cancer and heart disease. To help boost your body's supply of antioxidants, try having a glass of red wine each day. That's because red wine is rich in antioxidants. In fact, to get the same amount of antioxidants contained in a single glass of red wine from orange juice, you would have to drink at least seven glasses of OJ.

  5. Did you know that eating just two ounces of raw almonds can provide you with the minimum recommended daily allowance of vitamin E (15 mg, or 22 IU)? It's true. But for better health, you should try to obtain at least 200 IU of vitamin E each day. So, in addition to almonds, be sure to eat a variety of other foods rich in vitamin E, such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, green peas, lima beans, and sweet potatoes.

  6. Do you suffer from dandruff. Here's a health tip that can help. Once or twice a week, after you finish shampooing your hair, rinse your scalp with apple cider vinegar. Also, be sure to avoid commercial shampoos that contain dandruff-causing ingredients such as parabens and sodium lauryl sulfate.

  7. If you are prone to high blood pressure, adding cayenne pepper to your meals might help. That's because cayenne pepper is rich in an ingredient known as capsaicin, which research shows helps to trigger the release of neurotransmitters in the body that make it easier for blood to flow. These same neurotransmitters also act as natural diuretics that excrete salt in the body, further lowering blood pressure levels. Caution: Do not use cayenne pepper if you are using heart medication without first talking with your Health Coach, because cayenne can adversely interact with such drugs.

  8. Here's a new and natural way to lower unhealthy cholesterol levels-sytrinol. This all natural product contains a combination of citrus fruit extracts and palm oil, and a recent study published in the medical journal [italics]Alternative Therapies[end italics] showed that daily use of sytrinol significantly lowered high total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels in both men and women in as little as four weeks.

  9. Scientists now know that the vast majority of stomach ulcers are caused by bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract, not stress or certain foods, as was previously believed. To kill off the offending bacteria, today most Health Coach prescribe antibiotic treatments. While effective, antibiotic drugs can also cause unhealthy side-effects and in some cases the offending bacteria can prove to be resistant to a single course of treatment, requiring multiple rounds of antibiotic use. Recently, scientists in New Zealand discovered that a certain type of honey can be just as effective for treating stomach ulcers caused by bacteria. It's known as manuka honey, and the researchers found that a spoonful of it a day can provide a similar degree of help for bacterial ulcers as that provided by antibiotics, without any side effects. In addition, manuka was also found to be helpful for stomach ulcers that are not caused by bacteria. You can find manuka honey at most health food stores.

  10. If you want to keep your skin healthy and smooth, eat more dark green leafy vegetables. That's because such foods are rich in vitamin K, which scientists have found plays an important role in maintaining the skin's elasticity and smoothness.

  11. If you are prone to suffering from stress in your daily life, try eating pistachio nuts. That's because researchers from Penn State University have discovered that eating as little as one and a half ounces of pistachio nuts counteracts the effects of stress by relaxing the arteries. This in turn helps to keep blood pressure levels normal (typically blood pressure levels increase in response to stress).

  12. The next time you find yourself suffering from a cough or cold, reach for a glass of elderberry tea. That's because elderberry has been shown to shut down the ability of viruses that cause colds and related coughing from spreading inside the body. Elderberry extract is even more effective than elderberry tea because of its more potent concentration. It's available at most health food stores.

  13. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, overall health of men and women is directly related to the health of their reproductive organs. One way to keep your sex organs healthy is to practice Kegel exercises once or twice each day. Kegels exercises are easy to do and can be performed anytime you are sitting, and even while driving. Simply squeeze the muscles that you would use to cut off the flow of urine while peeing. Hold each contraction for a count of three, then relax and repeat for five minutes per session. Kegel exercises help to keep your sex organs toned and increase the flow of blood and oxygen to your pelvic area. When performed on a regular basis they can also help women who suffer from bladder control problems, and help to prevent BPH (enlargement of the prostate gland) in men.

  14. Want to lower your risk of a heart attack. Then devote 30 minutes a day to brisk walking, which has been shown to lower heart attack risk by nearly 20 percent. To further reduce your risk, add moderate weight lifting to your weekly health routine (20 minutes 3 times each week).

  15. Here's a simple way to keep your blood pressure under control. Get eight hours of sleep each and every night. Doing so has been shown to not only lower blood pressure levels, but to also improve the body's overall metabolism. (If you have trouble sleeping, consult with your Health Coach so that he or she can help you get the restful sleep you need.)

  16. Do you suffer from mild depression? If so, it may be possible for you to literally breathe your problems away. That's because research has shown that the daily practice of diaphragmatic (deep belly) breathing for as little as 30 minutes a day can ease feelings of mild depression and anxiety, and also improve the quality of one's sleep. Diaphramatic breathing accomplishes this because when you breathe and exhale through your belly you stimulate your body's vagus nerve, which regulates the parasympathetic nervous (the part of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for feelings of well-being and maintaining overall health). You can easily work diaphragmatic breathing into your daily schedule by setting aside three ten minute periods during which you breathe deeply in and out through your belly in a calm and relaxed manner. You can also use this technique to banish stress and anxiety in their tracks as soon as you feel them creeping up on you.

  17. Do you need to pep up your energy levels? If so, start your day with a protein-rich breakfast. That's because protein eaten early in the day helps your body to regulate its energy production and minimize the insulin spikes that can sap energy and which are associated with the carbohydrate-rich foods (cereals, toasts, bagels) that make up so many people's breakfasts. If you don't have time to prepare breakfast, a healthy solution is to drink a smoothie that contains whey protein powder mixed with almond milk. (For added flavor, add a dash of cinnamon.) Research has shown that whey protein is not only easily digested by the body, but that it also helps to control blood sugar levels. For best results, also try eatinbg breakfast no later than one hour after you get ou of bed and keep to a regular mealtime schedule throughout the day.

  18. Serotonin is often called the "feel-good" brain chemical because brain serotonin levels are typically elevated whenever we experience feelings of joy, happiness and pleasure. So it's no surprise that people who are prone to depression, anxiety and bad moods typically have low serotonin levels. One easy way to boost and maintain healthy serotonin levels is to eats foods that are rich in essential fatty acids called omega-3s. Such foods include sardines, mackerel, and wilk-caught salmon, as well as flaxseeds and various nuts.

  19. The next time you feel a cold coming on, try using the homeopathic remedy aconite to ward it off. Take four pellets under your tongue at least ten minutes before or 30 minutes after meals. Repeat at least four times during day.

  20. To keep yourself mentally alert, you need to exercise your brain just as you need to exercise your body to keep physically fit. You can easily do so by engaging in mentally challenging activities you enjoy, such as chess, playing an instrument, or learning a new language. Being socially active and engaging in stimulating conversations with people whose company you enjoy is another fun way to keep your brain fit. Research has shown that people who regularly engage in such "brain fitness' activities throughout their lives are far less prone to develop mental and cognitive problems as they grow older.

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