Health and Beauty

Sensationally Clean Skin - the Secret At Last!

by our Health Coach

As most of us know, our skin is our body's largest organ. So it only makes sense that we want to treat it well and give it the proper care it deserves - especially since our face is what we present to the world.

Every person has different skin, from dry to normal, from oily to combination, from acne-prone to supersensitive. So knowing how to treat your skin type is essential to achieving that healthy glow you dream of. But regardless what kind of skin you have, there are a few basics steps every person should incorporate into their daily skin-care routine, to maintain a fresh and healthy complexion.

The first step in your skin-care regime should be to find a cleanser that works for your skin, one that provides a thorough cleansing and doesn't cause skin irritation.

Gently cleansing the face, avoiding harsh cleansers or bar cleansers, is crucial for the basis of good skin care. You should wash your face with tepid or lukewarm water. Hot or cold water will irritate the skin and irritation causes skin problems, not the least of which is the breakdown of collagen.

Particularly when we head into the warm summer months and find ourselves spending a greater amount of time in the sun, doing activities that cause us to sweat, proper skin care becomes increasingly important.

It's important to cleanse the skin, especially if you've been outside a lot as environmental elements are a factor that affects how our skin behaves.

The importance of finding a cleanser that's just right for your skin type. If your skin is really dry and you're using a very strong cleanser, you're just going to irritate your skin. A cleanser for oily skin will be too harsh for someone with dry skin, and a cleanser for dry skin will be too emollient for someone with oily skin.

So read the labels on your skin-care products very carefully. You should also be on the lookout for certain ingredients in your skin-care products and, if possible, try to avoid them.

Any ingredient that irritates the skin is going to be a problem, such as menthol, alcohol, peppermint, camphor and eucalyptus. A cleansing agent known as sodium lauryl sulfate should also be avoided as it is known to be extremely irritating.

After you've cleansed your skin, determine whether it needs a toner or astringent. Astringents are drying because they strip the oils from your skin and people who have oily or greasy skin use them.

To remove the last traces of makeup or to add soothing agents or moisturizing ingredients to the skin, astringents are great. Careful to not use products that may be too harsh for your skin, or that contain ingredients that are known skin irritants.

No matter how tired you may be at the end of the day, you should always find the time and energy to cleanse your skin. If you don't, you may be inviting breakouts and clogging your pores. A multipurpose cleanser or a gentle scrub should be able to remove oil and dirt and should also be able to take off long-lasting makeup. For an even quicker approach, try a daily cleansing cloth to give your face a fast but effective wash.

If you occasionally perform a pared-down version of your nighttime routine, or skip it altogether, be sure to cleanse your skin thoroughly in the morning. You'll feel revived and refreshed and you'll be able to start the day by putting your best face forward.

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