This hamstring exercise is great. Perform it a few times a week to get strong, healthy legs.
Hamstring Kick Back
Why it is great
This variation of the traditional hamstring curl works your glutes as well as your hamstrings. The most effective way to tone the back of your thighs
is by flexing your knee at the same time as you extend your hip. Squeezing a small plastic or lightweight ball - or a rolled-up small hand towel -
behind your knee ensures that your knee stays bent as you lift your foot toward the ceiling. Working the hamstrings and glutes together not only
helps you tone your rear and give it a natural lift, but it also helps lengthen and energize your walking or jogging stride, makes climbing up
stairs easier and strengthens your flutter kick for swimming.
Starting position
What not to do
Muscles worked
Hamstring Tip
Do twice as many reps on exercises that target muscles on the back side of your body than you do for other exercises. These are the antigravity muscles that keep you upright and strong throughout your life.
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