Health Conditions from A to Z



A fracture is a break in a bone.

Symptoms of fracture vary. They can be non-apparent or mild, with slight swelling, tenderness and mild aching, or severe, causing intense pain, discoloration, breakage of the surrounding skin, severe swelling, and throbbing pain, with possible bleeding from the surrounding ruptured tissues, as well as loss of normal movement.

There are two main types of fractures:
  • closed
    broken pieces remain beneath the skin's surface with little surrounding tissue disruption or damage
  • open
    (one or both of the bone ends break through the skin.
Fractures are also classified according to the type of break:
  • simple
    broken bone does not pierce the skin
  • compound
    skin is pierced and exposed to organisms in the air
  • transverse
    bone breaks all the way through
  • greenstick
    only outer side of bone is broken and the break is not all the way through
  • comminuted fracture
    bone is shattered into smaller pieces.

What To Consider

X rays are required to verify whether or not a fracture occurred. In some cases, an MRI may also be necessary. If a fracture has occurred, a Health Coach needs to properly set it, after which rehabilitative exercise and manual therapy may be recommended.

Self-Care Tips

Eat foods high in calcium, such as dark leafy greens, dairy products, and raw seeds and nuts, as this will help your body heal the fracture. Avoid excessive consumption of caffeine, red meat, all processed foods, and soda, all of which can cause an acidity inside your body, contributing to bone loss and slowly healing time.

Nutritional Supplementation
To hasten your recovery, supplement with calcium, magnesium, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin D, vitamin K, silica, and zinc. Free-form amino acids may also be helpful.

Flower Essences
Rescue Remedy Cream® applied topically to the affected area can help speed up the healing process.

Drink an infusion of equal parts comfrey leaf and horsetail to speed healing once the fracture has been set.

Calc phos., Symphytum, Ruta grav., Arnica, and Aconite, taken alone or in combination with each other, can help healing to occur.

Apply ice to fracture to control any potential internal bleeding. For arm and wrist fractures, alternate hot and cold arm baths (three minutes hot water, and 30 seconds cold water) a few times each day.

Topical Treatment
Apply a poultice of tumeric paste mixed with a little hot water over the affected area to help reduce swelling. Caution: This is for close wound fractures, not open wounds.


If you think you or someone else has suffered a fracture, please seek immediate medical help from a qualified health professional.

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