Health Conditions from A to Z



Dysentery is an infection of the intestines that is most commonly caused by either a group of bacteria called Shigella (this type of dysentery is called shigellosis) or by protozoan (single-celled) parasites called Entamoeba (this is called amebic dysentery).

Symptoms of Shigellosis include sudden, watery diarrhea. Sometimes bacterial contamination of the blood (toxemia) can also occur. Severe cases of shigellosis may lead to bacteremic shock or cardiovascular collapse.

In cases of amebic dysentery, the development of diarrhea is more gradual, and diarrhea can be mixed with blood, pus, and mucus. Another symptom is straining bowel movements that produce only scarce amounts of blood-stained, watery mucus. Dehydration may occur and fluids must be replenished in the body. Possible complications of amebic dysentery include amebic cysts in liver, brain, and other important organs.

If you suffer from either shigella or amebic dysentery, seek prompt medical attention. Antibiotics may also be necessary.

Self-Care Tips

Eat a clove of garlic each morning and evening, followed by hot tea with lemon (unsugared). Also eat lots of plain, organic yogurt. Avoid sugars of any kind, as well as alcohol during attacks and for at least a week after symptoms abate, as both bacteria and parasites feed on sugar and alcohol.

Nutritional Supplementation
During and for 4-6 weeks after episodes of dysentery, be sure to supplement with acidophilus, bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus bulgaricus to restore healthy bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. Citrus seed extract should also be taken during this time, to kill off any residual bacteria or parasites that might still be present. Vitamin A in therapeutic doses for the first five day, followed by maintenance doses, should also be taken, to boost your overall immunity.

Chamomile, black pepper, cypress, eucalyptus, lemon, and Melissa are all effective essential oils that can be used to stem attacks of dysentary.

Flower Essences
Take Rescue Remedy for the accompanying stress, and Olive for exhaustion caused by dysentary.

Use a decoction of oak bark to reduce the diarrhea and fluid loss. Drink an infusion of meadowsweet and chamomile to ease abdominal discomfort. Eat a clove of raw garlic morning and evening.


If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional.

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