Health Conditions from A to Z



Bruising refers to bruises-darkish black and blue marks on the skin that are usually formed without a cut. Bruising occurs due to blood that leaks out of capillaries, generally after an injury, and collects just beneath the surface of the skin.

Typically, the first discolorations of bruises are black and blue. Then, when the hemoglobin of the blood breaks down, the color turns to yellow. Bruises are also associated with some swelling and surrounding redness of the tissues.

What To Consider

Bruising is more common in children, primarily as a result of accidents. Bruising also occurs more frequently in women than in men, which may be due to the estrogen demands of vitamin C on the body.

Bruises that do not fade after a week, or are recurrent without cause, may be signs of bleeding disorders or vitamin C and bioflavonoid deficiencies. Or they could be signs of underlying stresses on the body that continually deplete the vitamin C stores. In such cases, it is important that you see your physician.

Self-Care Tips

Eat a whole foods diet that emphasizes foods rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, such as fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and buckwheat.

Nutritional Supplementation
Vitamin C with bioflavonoids and rutin, alfalfa tablets, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin E, and iron are all nutrients that can speed the healing of bruising.

Put a few drops of lavender oil on gauze compress and place on the bruise two or three times a day. Other essential oils that can help heal bruises are camphor, fennel, and hyssop.
Rescue Remedy Cream can be applied on bruises (minimum four times a day).

Apply a compress made with oil of hyssop or a mixture of tumeric and honey to bruise.

Arnica, Ruta grav., Hypericum, Hamamelis, and Symphytum are all useful remedies for bruising. Calendula lotion is another highly effective homeopathic treatment for bruising.

Apply contrast (hot and cold water) therapy to the affected area in a sequence of 20 seconds hot, then ten seconds cold, for several minutes every hour. This will help reduce the congestion of bruising. The sooner after the injury this is done the better.

Juice Therapy
Drinking the juice of carrot and beet can provide necessary nutrients to help quicken healing time.

Topical Treatment
Mashed yerba santa leaves soaked in hot water, applied to the bruise and covered with a clean cloth, is a very effective treatment for bruising, as is a compress made of the chilled infusion of comfrey or sage. Applying a slice of raw onion to a bruise can also speed healing time. Alternatively, you can apply commercial witch hazel solution to the affected area.


If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional.

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