Body Odor
Body odor refers to unpleasant smells emitted from the
body. The most common cause of body odor is poor hygiene
and uncleanliness. Sweat has no odor but, if left on
the skin for a few hours, bacteria decompose the sweat.
This can cause body odor. The next most common cause
is sweat containing a high level of garlic, curry, or
other spicy food. However, when a person is very healthy,
usually the foods can be eaten without lasting odor
effects. Other causes of body odor include nutrient
deficiencies (usually zinc), underlying health problems
(usually liver disease or diabetes), or gastrointestinal
problems (such as parasites or chronic constipation).
What To Consider
Wash your entire body at least once a day. Your feet
can be most affected due to the warm, airless environment
insides shoes, boots, and sneakers, so check the condition
of your feet and footwear. Also consider excessive caffeine
consumption or emotional stress, which can influence
body odors.
The more wholesome your diet is and the greater the
balance of nutrient biochemistry is in the body, the
less chances there are of unpleasant odors emanating
from the body. To help prevent unpleasant body odor,
do a bowel cleanse and rejuvenation program several
times a year
Self-Care Tips
Diet Eat
a whole foods diet that includes at least 1/3 to 1/2
raw foods. Increase fluids and pure water (seven to
eight glasses per day). On rising and before bedtime,
drink one glass of water with the juice of a fresh lemon
and one teaspoon of chlorophyll.
Nutritional Supplementation The following
nutrients can help prevent and reduce unpleasant body
odor: vitamin B1 (50 mg two times daily while problem
exists and then 20-30 mg one time daily several times
a week for one year), vitamin B complex, vitamin A (25,000
IU daily for a few weeks), vitamin C (increase the amount
and frequency during periods of stress), chlorophyll,
magnesium, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), and zinc. Liver glandulars may also be helpful.
Aromatherapy Sage is a useful essential oil for preventing body odor.
Juice Therapy
Drink fresh-squeezed, organic vegetable juices once
or twice a day.
Hepar sulphur and Sulfur are both useful
homeopathic remedies for treating unpleasant body odor.
Skin Brushing
This staple of naturopathic medicine, which involves the use of a natural
bristle brush that is gently used to scrub the skin
of the entire body in gentle circular motions to encourage
removal of dead skin, improved local circulation, elimination
through the skin, and enhanced skin function generally,
can be a powerful tool in prevent body odor. It should
be performed daily for at least 5 minutes and ideally
be followed by a bath in which essential oils are used.
Topical Treatment Apply baking soda under arms and between toes. Avoid aluminum-based antiperspirants.
If your symptoms persist despite the above measures,
seek the help of a qualified health professional.
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